Tuesday, September 22, 2015

social networking sites

These days social networking sites have affected our relationships positively in some ways and negatively in other ways, therefore, this article will discuss both points of view, agree and disagree.

 First of all, one reason to agree is because they mad our lives much easier for example they help people who are away from home to keep in touch with family and friends. Also they help them to know what happens there, and, all of that can be done in an easy and cheap way. Another example is that people can search for whatever they want to know about easily and these things might be for planning to study, or for business. For example some people like the news, but they have no time to watch the news on TV, so they benefit getting the news from around the world in a short time through the social network. Another example is that I find it expensive to go to workshops or to get private lessons to learn new skills such as cooking. However, by social media I can learn new recipes and watch videos that can help me to improve my cooking very cheaply.

 On the other hand there reasons for disagreeing wither social network sites influence our relationships in a positive way. The reason for that is less privacy for example some people tag others on Facebook while they do not want that, and, people are sharing private information about their lives such as their relationships or future plans, which they should keep to themselves. Secondly people nowadays are becoming less and less social and that is one serous dangerous effect of social networking site. Instead of going out for meeting friends or visiting family they spend time chatting via these networks which might also lead to serious health issues obesity.

 In conclusion, social networking sites have some positive effects and some negative ones as well. My own opinion is that social networking sites have changed the world positively, but some people are using them badly, and that is what is causing the problems so they should try to use them in beneficial way.  

Are you a addict ?

A social networking site is a large community existing through the Internet. Social networking sites are a platform to connect to other people, to keep in touch with family or get society feeds. Social networking sites can be used by groups of people, business or individuals. There are a wide variety of social networking sites for example Facebook, Line, WhatApp, Wechat, QQ, Instagram,Twitter and so on. In these days, social networking sites are easy to access and people are free to post or share their ideas or their photos on social networking sites so information on social networking sites can be good or bad.   

Social networking sites make the world smaller than before. Some people think, social networking sites are so useful they spend a lot of time on them .Firstly, they can keep in touch with family or friends who live far away. For example my friend who is studying a master’s degree in Japan, always uses Facebook or Line to keep in touch with me. We have been using social networking sites to keep in touch for five years. Secondly, they get foreign friends and learn their languages or their cultures. For example I have a lot of Japanese friends on Facebook and I have learnt about Japanese culture so last year I decided to go to Japan and I got a lot of novel experiences. Thirdly, they acquire some knowledge such as cooking. For example my aunt learnt how to cook from Facebook and two years ago she opened a restaurant and her food is fabulous. Lastly, they get more involvement with people and issues. In my opinion, social networking sites are an easier method to get information or news.

However, others say, social networking sites are just waste their time and there are more disadvantages than advantages. Firstly, people can become addicted to social networking sites. For example my friend, could not finish her master’s degree because she spent a lot of time using social networking sites therefor she did not have time to finish her thesis. Secondly, they meet up with each other less. For example I did not meet my cousin for more than five years even though we lived in Bangkok. We always used Facebook to talk so last year I decided to meet her before I came to NZ but my feeling was different. We talked like people who did not know each other. I think, our relationship was affected by Facebook. Lastly, some people forget how to write characters because they communicated with others by typing. For example last two years I heard from my Japanese friend, this problem becomes a big problem in groups of people who use social networking sites because most of them forgot how to write their own language.

In conclusion, I do not take sides with this topic. Social networking sites can be positive or negative. We can learn a lot of things that we have never learnt in a classroom through social networking sites. The most important thing that we have to focus on is balancing your time to use social networking sites to get the maximum profit from its and learning how to use its in the right way.            

Sosial Networking Sites

「SNS 画像」の画像検索結果Today, there are many types of social networking services in society and these are spreading rapidly. People use these sites with various ways and social networking sites make these people easy to connect with other people. Some people believe social networking sites are useful to make good relationships while other people think these sites have ill effects on their relationships. This essay discuss both the positive side and negative side in the influence of social networking services.

It is clear that social networking services changed people’s lifestyle conveniently. People can keep in touch with their family or friends easier than before, and these sites developed an important communication tool which are necessary for them. They can make friends all over the world and they can learn other languages, cultures and traditional things. They can share everything such as their photos and opinions, so they can see various daily lives and it gives them new knowledge. Additionally, social networking sites generated the new way of information gathering. If they want to know how the world is going, they can access from on sites such as Twitter and Facebook. People inform others incidents in different views from other media such as newspapers and news programs and sometimes news program use videos which is uploaded on social networking sites because these videos shows us the detail of events. Furthermore, they can express their opinions or important things. For example some political parties use Twitter to notify citizens about their manifestos in Japan. Also Japan experience serious disasters such as flood and volcanic eruption and numerous Japanese use Twitter to request rescue and inform other people about their existence. Social networking sites are useful for people when they encounter accidents.

However, there are ill effects in using social networking sites. Firstly, there is possibility they will become addicts. Meanwhile, they spend lots of time on social networking, then they are isolated from real life. Also, they might be isolated from their virtual world. Most people think it is a virtual world, so if they feel uncomfortable to talk with someone, they can break their relationship easily without any apology. In addition, people feel difficulty of communication with real people because of using social networking sites. They talk with people on these sites but actually they spend time alone because they speak through writing words, so they forget how to talk in real situations. Also people cannot escape from real life even if they are in tough situation which involve relationship. Real life is harder than virtual life because people cannot spend time with only their favourite people. Lastly, they put themselves in danger by these sites. They put photos though which people can realise their faces and they tag information where they take the pictures. People who have ill intentions can find individual information easily and they can find victim’s address and occupation from only phots, so there is a possibility they will be involved with dangerous incidents such as kidnapping and stalking.

There are both positive sides and negative sides on influence in the relationships. I take the neutral position. Social networking sites are useful for people but if they misunderstand the usage, these sites change into harmful things. People should consider their attitude to social networking sites, and use that effectively. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Social networking sites have had a positive influence on relationship

 I`d like to discuss the statement “social networking sites have had a positive influence on relationships”. These days, In Japan, most people use smart phones to access social networking sites. By using a smart phone or PC, we can get information or keep touch with friends, family, and even persons whom we don`t know, but it is a fact that there are many troubles on social networking sites.
 It could be argued that we can connect with others whom we don`t know or get the information easily by using social networking sites, for example when I want to know about musicians and concerts, I always check the musicians` Facebook or Twitter accounts. They are updated very quickly, so we can get latest information. Also, we can keep in touch with friends or family by using social networking sites. For example I belong to a swimming circle in my university, and I am a leader of my circle. I must send e-mails to members, but sometimes one of the members can`t open my mail. Therefore we use LINE. On LINE, it is easy to connect with others safely, and most of Japanese university students have their account. We can send messages to each other, so we can hold a small meeting on LINE.
 However there are many troubles on social networking sites. Firstly, there are many malicious slanders on social networking sites. In Japan, we have 2ch which is a kind of Social Networking Site, but there are many malicious slanders and information which is not credible on 2ch because these information is based on someone`s thinking or imagination. For example when I want to know about companies when I go to a job interview, I sometimes check information on 2ch, but there are many slanders for a companies, and I can`t find information which I want to get, and I am very confused. Secondly, social networking sites have addiction. In Japan, most high school students have their smartphone or PC, and half of them use social networking sites for 5 hours or more a day. Lastly, there are many bullies on social networking sites. For example when I was in high school, there was a bully on Twitter. A certain student took a shameful picture for another student and uploaded it to a social networking site. She was very shocked and quit the high school, for cruel example, I know that a student who was slander on social networking sites committed suicide.

 On balance, course we can get information quickly and share own ideas with friends by using social networking sites, but I think that true relationships are able to be realized to talk to each other face to face. These days technology is developing very quickly, and our lives are becoming very convenient, but I sometimes feel very isolated if I don`t have a smart phone or PC. Therefore I don`t think that social networking sites have had a positive influence on relationships.

Social networking sites

            Social networking sites has been become popular since around 2004. A lot of people use LINE, Twitter, or Facebook. They are useful for us to the various things, but they have a dangerous side for some people.

            When we use social networking sites, we are able to various things. Firstly, people can connect to other people easily and they do not have to show personal information. For example, if they use social networking sites such as Twitter, they can use a nickname. Therefore, we are able to protect personal information from dealers who collects other people’s information and sell them. Also, people can find information easily from many people. Social networking sites have various functions such as share the comment. If you use it, you can read other users’ comments. My sister uses Twitter, because she wants to get a lot of information about her favourite artists. She can get the newest information through the social networking sites’ friends. Finally, people can show their information to many people easily, sometimes to get other people’s opinions. For example, some companies such as Coca-Cola use Facebook when they want to show their activity and information to people. For instance, Coca-Cola has introduced some kind of drinks such as Fanta. Also, they often collaborate with another company. In recently, they were collaborated with anime such as One-Piece. They use the Face book for announce their goods.

            However, there are some dangerous points to people using social networking sites. Some people become absorbed in Social networking sites. My friend Hiroyuki uses Twitter and he has about 2000 friends on Twitter. He always worries about his followers’ comments to him. Also, some people have a different character on social networking sites. For example, when my younger sister uses Twitter, she pretends male. I do not that is why, but I think maybe she can have a confidence if she uses another character. I am worrying about it, because when people pretend another person or character, they can be become confused. Also, there is another dangerous side about that people pretends another person. For example, some male pretends women and they approaches other female users. And then, they try to get obscene photos from female users. These victims cannot to talk or difficult to tell about them, so the police doesn’t action properly.

              In conclusion, I think social networking sites have good points and bad points. We should be careful about their dangerous points when we uses social networking sites.

be careful about their dangerous points when we uses social networking sites.

Social networking sites



            What do you think about social networking sites all over the world, also these are used by a lot of people. I always looked young people utilize social networking in my country. This essay will focus on whether using social networking sites is good or not.

            People can learn many things from social networking sites. Some entertainers write their information on Facebook, and their fans will be know their things from it. Then, a great number of specific companies advertise their goods. For example, Starbucks Coffee tells consumers about new drinks, and I go to shop to buy new one. Also, we can connect with foreign countries people, and we can became friends. Therefore, social networking sites are tool which have chance to make companions. My friend got acquainted with an American on the social networking sites. They taught each different cultures and had a good time.

            On the other hand, there are many had bad points of social networking sites. Firstly, people lose their eyesight. For instance, one of my friend bought a glasses because of social networking sites. He used his phone to do a chat for a long time, he depended on it. Secondly, using social networking sites is a waste of time. People have been interested in social networking sites all the time, so they can’t focus on their jobs. In addition, using social networking sites spend quite a lot of money. Finally, people avoid relationships with other persons because they feel troublesome to associate with a direct person. They will become adults who lack a communication ability in the future. For example, my cousin was a cheerful disposition on social networking sites, but she doesn’t talk actively when I meet her.

            In short, these reasons explain whether people do social networking sites or not. I think the overuse of social networking sites are not good, so users should make a distinction between their hobbies and their jobs. A recently, many young Japanese people forget that how to write Chinese characters. Sometimes, I can’t write Chinese characters. This problem has an effect on Japanese tradition.

In recent years an increasing number of people have focused on social networking sites, such as Facebook, WeChat, Line, and Twitter which have become a normal part of our everyday life. However, some people argue that social networking sites have had a positive influence on relationships, whereas, others believe that they have a negative impact on people’s native neighbours. In my view, they do more good than harm.
First of all, using networking sites has a negative impact on people’s neighbours. This is primarily because, it waste considerable time on your phone and have less time to focus on your neighbours who are just beside you, such as your parents and classmates. In addition, there is an increasing number of juveniles using social networking sites by smart phone. Therefore, they will pose a threat to juveniles’ eyesight and children’s fitness. Finally, personal information security is also a big problem. That’s because these social networking sites share your personal information on the Internet, such as your phone number, and your email and home address, and some applications let users complete their personal information being compulsory, so they will also have a potential negative influence on your family members’ lives.
On the other hand, social networking sites also have a positive impact on relationships. This is due to the fact that they allow people from different counties and backgrounds to have a connection. Therefore, through this way, we can make some new friends from abroad. They also provide an opportunity for domestic people to have a connection with foreigners, and learn some knowledge of differences from culture to culture. Furthermore, such sites are also good for some undergraduates who study abroad and other cities to keep in touch with family and friends who live far away. In addition, they can also have video chat instead of voice communication, and can also chat with a group of people. Therefore, they have a positive impact on people’s communication and relationships.
To sum up, although these sites have some negative impact on people’s neighbours, juveniles’ fitness and personal information security, I argue that such sites have some positive impact on learning more about foreign cultures and on people’s communication and relationships.

Xiaodong Shu

370 words