Sunday, June 28, 2015

I never tried the 1000-day challenge

I chose "Running around the World". I enjoyed reading this article. It described in a really nice way to how good running is  with three examples, the Kalenjini in Kenia, the Tarahumara in Mexico and the Monks in Japan. I have heard about "monks" but I didn't exactly know what they do. Their training, which is to reach enlightenment, is too hard for human beings. I can't believe there are 46 monks that have completed it. I think their hearts were incredibly strong and patient of their weaknesses otherwise they wouldn't have completed it. On the other hand, some monks might die while they were working on the 1000-day challenge. I hope this challenge isn't carried out any more. 


  1. I have heard about another monk's challenge. He makes a mummy use himself, and it is also hard challenge. I can't believe.

    1. A mummy!?!? that is redicurous. I can't understand why people did such a crazy things to reach enlightment. They should value their life.

  2. I felt the same way about the Monks ability to run for 1000 days, that must be hard to achieve.
