Thursday, July 23, 2015


Hi, my name is Rio. I read a book named The Colombian Connection. The story happens in two places New York and Colombia. The four main characters are a reporter called kay Duncan, NCD agents Frank and Andy Lopez, and a drug dealer known as Mr. Charlie.

The story is about a reporter who was in New York. She found in the newspaper a headline saying “Presidents War Against Drugs”. When she read it a lot of questions came to her mind, which intrigued her to write her own story about it. While she was looking for answers to her questions, a person who helped her to get the answers was killed. So she got more excited and determined to find the killers and most of all find out what Andy Lopez was involved in, and what got him killed.

The book really captured my attention. It’s the type of book that kept me wondering what was going to happen next. I think the book also covers a serious topic because drug dealing is a big problem in the USA so this informs the readers about it in a short fiction novel.


  1. you seem to like these kinds of books, that makes you wonder what will happen next.

    1. yah I like them because I don't like reading and these books make me read more and more

  2. I also like short fiction novels. They don't take a long time to read. I can't read books for long time so the book that you have read seems to be suitable to me:)

    1. yah me too I don't like long books that's why I choose these kind of books
